Monday, March 29, 2010

No false idols here

There are four people I idolize: Jane Goodall, Greg Mortensen, Julia Chaplin, and Chelsea Handler. I saw Greg Mortensen (author of Three Cups of Tea and living proof that one person can make a difference) speak last year, and this weekend I sacrificed the majority of Ultra's Friday lineup (including Tiesto and David Guetta) in order to go to Chelsea's book signing at Books & Books and her stand-up show at The Fillmore. If you can, go see her show before you read the latest book; she recycles a lot of material.  It doesn't make her any less just lose some of the element of surprise.
Two down, two to go. Jane Goodall should probably be next target- she isn't exactly young.


(Right) Still in my Ultra getup at Chelsea's show at the Fillmore.